Saturday, August 6, 2011

Oven baked Cod-Phase 2

The best way of preventing getting bored with eating fish everyday is simply by switching up the type of fish your eating and how it's seasoned.

This particular recipe can really go with any type of white fish. I just found it to taste best with Cod, :)

One piece of advice, the recipe calls for baking the fish in foil. Most people would put butter or oil down to prevent the fish from sticking. Since that's not really an option with HCG I came up with another solution. Because you are already having a lemon a day, what I do is, cut off the ends of the lemon and cut a few slices until I get the meat of the lemon. Take the ends that you just cut and squeeze out some of the juice and rub the lemon over the entire piece of foil. This really helps prevent sticking and give the fish a little citrus kick.

3oz Cod: 70 Cal.

Onto the Recipe:

Set your oven to 375F

Take a frozen piece of cod and place in the center of your lemon rubbed foil sitting on top of one of the lemon ends
Sprinkle garlic powder
Onion powder
Celery salt
Squeeze a small piece of lemon & leave the used lemon on top.
Wrap in foil and bake for a good 20-30 mins or until done.
A good way to tell if fish is done to see if it is no longer semi-transparent and if the top kind of flakes when you rub a fork against it.

I hope you enjoy this simple yet delicious fish recipe. If you try this dish, leave a comment letting me and everyone know what you think.

Tune in next time for my amazing Kanikama Sauce recipe!!!


  1. Thank You for this recipe. I will link to it.
    Just starting blog and not sure of direction I want to go with it yet.

  2. what if the fish is fresh, how long to cook it then? thanks you :-)
